Catholic Church links

This page contains links to official Catholic Church websites.

Towards Healing contains the Church's principles and procedures in responding to complaints of abuse against personnel of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Facing the Truth is the response of the Catholic Church in Victoria to the findings of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse in Religious and other Non-Government Organisations. 

The Archdiocese of Melbourne Response assists people who have been abused sexually, physically or emotionally. Includes contact details for support services in Melbourne.

The Archdiocese of Adelaide's Commitment to Child Protection outlines the South Australian Catholic Church's policies and procedures for the care, wellbeing and protection of children and young people.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference represents the 33 dioceses and archdioceses of the Catholic Church in Australia. A list of all dioceses and bishops can be found here

Catholic Religious Australia represents over 180 congregations of Sisters, Brothers and Religious Priests of the Catholic Church in Australia. A list of all congregations can be found here.


Newsletter image

The Council concluded its work on 30 April 2018 and is no longer distributing any material about its work.